Meg burton tudman

Guided by love, loyalty, & authenticity of self & others

My credo:

Self-compassion is the foundation of resilience. It can be learned and it must be practiced every day.

How we relate and respond to the world around us creates our reality. We are constantly creating and we can learn how to shift.

Self-care is non-negotiable and it can fit into your busy life. (Hint: it’s not a bubble bath or two hours of meditation, though those are both lovely.)

Nothing we do is in a silo. Our practices, learnings, and strengths are applicable to every area of our lives.

Mindset mastery involves mental, physical, and energetic practices. The specific practices that work for you are unique.

My credentials:
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Reiki Master/Teacher, Usui Reiki Method of Natural Healing
Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, RYT-200
Practitioner of Seraphic Wisdom
Associative Awareness Technique, Level I

Together we work on a multidisciplinary approach

Energetic healing modalities such as reiki, yoga, meditation, breathwork, and seraphim angel waves to balance the connection between mind and body, as well as clear stagnant energy. 

Intuitive coaching which prioritizes your innate wisdom and focuses on the power of mindset to create a reality in which you thrive.

My journey

I love looking at my journey as a transformation from perfectionism to authenticity.

From a young age I placed a premium on trying to be perfect and please others. I thought this would make me feel safe, happy, and fulfilled. My choices, beliefs, and actions were all rooted in someone else’s values.

Chasing this elusive standard, trying to avoid judgment, and living for other people was exhausting and stressful. I created a narrative where I was never good enough (because perfect doesn’t exist) and I was never satisfied (because I was not aligned with my true self.) My negative mindset and critical self-talk only cemented this story.

There was a major disconnect between my inner and outer worlds.

On paper I was a success; I looked the part of someone who had everything together. I was well educated and I advanced professionally. Internally though, I was a mess. I fixated on what other people thought of me and constantly worried about their needs instead of my own.. I completely neglected what I wanted and needed. I felt so angry at myself for not creating the life I truly wanted and continually beat myself up for what I said and did (or more often what I didn’t say or do.)

I had severe depression, anxiety, infertility, exhaustion, chronic stress, bloating, and sugar cravings (Airheads and Starburst Jellybeans to be exact.) I numbed the anger and buried all the other uncomfortable feelings by overworking and stuffing myself with pounds of candy.

While a bag of candy at 8am with my second cup of coffee was a low point, there were actually two different events that I chose to use as opportunities to radically transform.

First, after being fired from a job that I initially believed was my dream job, I actually stayed for an extra week and a half to wrap everything up. I was that driven and dedicated. I was also mortified at what I saw as a failure. Staying was a way for me to soften the blow, hide the shame, and continue to hold up the façade of perfection. My identity was so tied to work that I didn’t know who I was without that label. Deep inside me though, there was a part of me that felt free. I no longer had to be defined by something that didn’t resonate with me.

Second, I’ve struggled with depression since I was quite young, however I was skilled at hiding it and continuing to function at a high level. This seemed sustainable until I was at a four-way stop with a blinking red light and I couldn’t figure out when it was my turn to go. I knew in my heart that the depression was worse than before and as I sat at that intersection feeling a combination of panic and deep sadness, I realized I needed more help. I invested in an intensive therapy program. On the first day I walked in and immediately began to feel a sense of relief as a huge weight started to lift.. I felt like I could be myself, I didn’t have to pretend everything was okay, and I could take off all the masks.

What is so powerful about these experiences is that I took responsibility and transformed.

No one gave me a new label and I didn’t seek a definition from anyone else. No one said or did anything to/for me that allowed me to be myself without the perfectionism façade. I started to create my own definitions and focus energy on being authentically me.

My transformation from perfectionism to authenticity is rooted in mindset mastery and healing energy. I regulated how I related to the world, what I held on to, and how I saw my reality. I understood that I had so much more power than I realized and my mindset and energy determined how I felt – not other people’s opinions or external achievements. This enabled me to get out of my own way and create a new reality.

Meg’s Bio

Meg Burton Tudman is on a mission to support extraordinary beings in honoring their highest selves through mindset mastery. Her specialty is holistic support for women empowering them to respond and relate to the world around them with confidence, alignment, and grace. Meg weaves mindset coaching, meditation, yoga, and reiki into her online coaching programs, private in-person sessions, wellness articles, and corporate events. She has been featured by Xerox Women’s Alliance, Upstate Institute, StepMom Magazine, and Best Holistic Life.

